Project: Financial Advisor Planner

Financial Advisor Planner is a desktop client management application used for financial advisors to manage their clients. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Feature: Added new Tags.

    • What it does: Allows Users to add information about their client through easy to view tags. Currently there are 3 Special Tags:
      • Risk Tag to indicate Client’s Risk Appetite
      • Plan Tag to indicate Client’s current Financial Plan
      • Client Tag to indicate Client’s status
    • All Special Tags are colour coded for users to easily interpret the values even without reading the tags fully.
    • Allow users to find and sort based on Special Tags as well
    • Justification: Financial Advisors(FA) require a way to view their clients information easily, pulling out information that can only have fixed values helps to make reading the information easily.
  • Code contributed: reposense

  • Enhancements implemented:

    • Add Income field to contacts: Allows users to add yearly income of clients to the app
    • Add Monthly Contributions field to contacts: Allows users to add monthly contributions of clients to the app
    • Enhanced Find command to find by phone number: Allows users to find clients by phone number.
    • Enhanced Find command to find by range of monthly contributions: Allows users to find clients by monthly contribution.
    • Enhanced Find command to find by range of yearly income: Allows users to find clients by yearly income.
    • Enhanced Find command to find by client tags: Allow users to find clients using their client tag.
    • Enhanced Sort Command to sort by client tags: Allow used to sort clients based on their client tag.
    • Abstracted Tag and Special Tag to better represent new categories of tags.
    • Updated Find Command Hint to accurately represent correct command.
    • Updated Help Window to reflect all commands added.
  • Contributions to the UG:

    • Conducted final vetting of UG, ensuring all commands are working and details are coherent.
    • Updated Ui.png
    • Updated helpMessage.png
    • Added missing commands to Command Summary
  • Contributions to the DG:

    • Added implementation details and design consideration for add command feature.
      • Added sequence diagram for add command.
    • Added implementation details and design consideration for edit command feature.
      • Added sequence diagram for edit command.
    • Added implementation details and design consideration for delete command feature.
    • Added implementation details and design consideration for Model component.
    • Added implementation details and design consideration for NormalTag and SpecialTags.
    • Added numerous user stories.
    • Updated ModelClassDiagram.
    • Updated BetterModelClassDiagram.
  • Contributions to team-based tasks:

    • Ensured timely submission of team project deliverables.
    • Setting up the GitHub team org/repo
    • Reported bugs as issues for better tracking.
    • Maintaining the issue tracker
      • Add issues for the team and allocated to individual members
    • Release management
      • Released v1.3.2 for the team.
  • Review/mentoring contributions:

    • Reviewed and merge pull requests.
    • Helped resolve merge conflicts in other members’ pull request.
    • Advised other members on how they can architect their solution when they were stuck
    • Helped other members debug.
  • Community

    • Maintained issues and closed milestones.
    • Fixed bugs from PE-D.