Project: Financial Advisor Planner

Financial Advisor Planner is a desktop client management application used for financial advisors to manage their clients. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Feature: Added the sort feature.

    • What it does: The sort feature allows user to navigate and manage their contacts easily and efficiently.
    • Currently, there are 6 keywords that we can sort by:
      • Appointment: sorts the clients by appointment dates.
      • ClientTag : sorts the clients by whether they are a potential or current client.
      • Income : sorts the client by their income.
      • Monthly : sorts the client by their monthly contribution.
      • Name : sorts the client by alphabetical order.
      • RiskTag : sorts the client by their risk appetite.
    • Justification: FAs require a method to identify contacts based on a given keyword, for example they may want to know who are the clients with higher income so that they can better suggest an investment plan.
  • Enhancements implemented: Enhanced searching by investment plan, normal tags and risk tags for find command.

    • I was the first one who implemented this enhancement, so I had to ensure OOP was done well so my teammates that were enhancing this find command further could just follow my structure and modify it to the given condition.
    • What it does: Allows the user to find for clients according to investment plan, normal tags and risk tags.
    • FAs may require to search for clients based on how high their risk appetite are, what investment plans are they on etc.
  • Enhancements implemented: UI changes.

    • What it does:
      • Changed risk tag and investment plan tag colours and shape
      • Revamped the help window to include all the basic commands.
  • Contributions to the UG:

    • Main person for the documentation of the UG.
    • Added documentation for command sort.
    • Updated the formatting of all sections and subsections.
    • Ensure all sections of the user guide is coherent by making sure all the commands were updated regularly.
    • Added UI image for the quick start section of the UG.
  • Contributions to the DG:

    • Added implementation details and design consideration for sort command feature.
      • Added sequence and activity diagram for sort command.
    • Added use cases for sorting clients
    • Added implementation details for find command feature.
    • Added numerous user stories.
    • Added manual testing cases for find and sort Command.
  • Contributions to team-based tasks

    • Ensured timely submission of team project deliverables.
    • Reported bugs as issues for better tracking.
  • Review/mentoring contributions:

    • Reviewed and merge pull requests.
    • Helped resolve merge conflicts in other members’ pull request.
  • Community

  • Maintained issues and closed milestones.
  • Fixed bugs from PE-D.