Project: Financial Advisor Planner

Financial Advisor Planner is a desktop client management application used for financial advisors to manage their clients. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java, and has about 10 kLoC.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Feature: Added new model Calendar and its logic.

    • What it does: It displays all the appointments for the clients in a calendar format in another tab.
    • Justification: Financial Advisors(FA) require a method to view all their current appointments with ease, hence a calendar is needed to make scheduling of appointments simple.
  • Feature: Implemented the Jump Box

    • What it does: It allows user to jump to the month that the user wants to view in the Calendar directly.
    • Justification: Financial Advisors(FA) may require to view the appointments in the far future, so this feature allows them to view it immediately without having to use the Next Button multiple times.
  • Feature: Implemented the Next Button

    • What it does: It shows the next month in the Calendar.
    • Justification: It allows user to see the appointments scheduled for the next month to plan ahead for future appointments.
  • Feature: Implemented the Prev Button

    • What it does: It shows the previous month in the Calendar.
    • Justification: It allows user to see the appointments scheduled for the previous month, this is usually to return to the current month after using the Next Button.
  • Enhancements implemented:

    • Changed the UI to include an additional panel for the Appointment model and their attributes .
  • Contributions to the UG:

    • Added documentation for the Calendar features section.
    • Updated the prefix section into a table.
  • Contributions to the DG:

    • Added implementation details and design consideration for da and Calendar features section.
    • Added activity diagrams for Calendar features section.
    • Added Use Cases for Display appointments of the current month in a calendar view and Display appointments of a new month in a calendar view.
    • Updated the ModelCLassDiagram and UiClassDiagram, added CalendarUiClassDiagram.
    • Added Test cases for Add a client and Edit a client.
  • Contributions to team-based tasks

    • Reported bugs as issues for better tracking.
  • Review/mentoring contributions:

    • Reviewed and merged pull requests
    • Helped to resolve merge conflicts in other members’ pull requests
  • Community

    • Maintained issues and closed milestones.
    • Fixed bugs from PE-D.